
Java Installation Verification


When adding '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to the runtime parameters under the Java Control Panel (java tab, view) for the current JRE, it solved the problem. I was able to restore my security setting to proper levels and was able to run the java verification tests as well asa bunch of other applets just fine. To locate the Java Control panel, simply type Configure Java in the search bar on the side. Here are two links to downloading the Java JRE in case you need to download it again. Link 1 Link 2.


Java Runtime Environment is used to run Java applications. Java Runtime Environment is called JRE. There are different versions of JRE most recents major versions are 6,7,8 . Some of the applications generally requires different version because of comp ability problems. In this tutorial we will look how to get JRE or Java version from various operating systems.

If you want to learn JRE and differences with JDK please read following tutorial.

Java Installation Instructions

Java uses a bit different version numbers. All java versions first numbers is 1 and actual major version numbers change according to release which is current 8 . Example Java version number is like below.


We have different methods to determine Java or JRE version in windows. First way is running java command in command like with version information. We will also provide -version option like below.

Determine JAVA Version in Windows

We can see that cırrent JRE or Java cersion is 1.8.0_144 . Here we can call 8 as major version number

We can use Java menu which resides in Control Panel.

And then In the General tab click to About button. This will open a new window which will provide information about current Java or JRE version.

Determine JAVA Version in Windows From GUI

We will use java command from command line to get information about Java or JRE installation of Linux distributions.

Java Installation Verification

Determine Java Version Linux (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, Mint)

There is also option to get Java version from online web site that runs applet and provides Java information. This applet can be accessed from following URL.